Friday, December 2, 2011

Random Q&A Fun Time!

I'm back! Due to an extremely busy last couple of weeks (dance performance, homework/projects/tests, work, etc) I took somewhat of a hiatus from blogging. But, now that Christmas break is here (yay!) I finally have time to post.

A few weeks ago, I asked my friends on facebook to give me some random questions to answer for a fun, getting to know me, blog post. Several of them responded. Here are my favorites:

1. Are socks and sandals okay?
Personally, I don't wear socks and sandals together. I really don't see the point of it. But I guess there would be a few times I could excuse it: a) There's an emergency and you need to run out of the house as fast as possible. b) You're just going out to get the mail, or take the dog around the block, etc. c) You are having a lazy day and you really don't care what you look like. Other than that... just say no.

2.  What is your favorite movie, and why?
Favorites are like the hardest questions to answer ever. I love so many movies, it's really hard to pick just one! Also, my favorites tend to change very frequently. But if I have to choose my current favorite movie, it would probably be Despicable Me. Funny + adorable + well-written + animated = a nearly perfect movie. :)

3. If you were a cartoon, who would you be and why?
Jessie the Cowgirl, no doubt about it. Ever since I saw Toy Story 2, I have loved her. I don't know why, I just do.

4. If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?
One superpower I would love is the ability to stop time. How great would that be? For one thing, you could use it to do something you want to do or need to do, for a longer amount of time! There's not enough time to finish your homework? Pause. You want to sleep another hour before getting up? Pause. You could also use this power to pull some awesome pranks on people. Think about it.

5. If you had to live a month with no tv, cell phone, computer, movies, technology in general, what would you do and where would you do it?
This is a really good question... I am a child of the digital age, so I have never had to face this dilemma. Even when the power goes out, after a few minutes, I'm bored. If I was suddenly transported back in time 100 years, or converted to being Amish, I would definitely read a lot. I love reading, but I don't do it very much. Hopefully I would also spend a lot more time outside, going on walks, maybe doing some gardening or something. And I could do a lot more baking and cooking (again, something I am interested in, but rarely actually do). In a way, this actually sounds like a lot of fun.. but I've read enough Amish romance novels to know that it is a lot of work too :)

6. How would your life have been different if you'd had three brothers?
If you know me at all, you probably would not use the word "tough" or any of its synonyms to describe me. I am often called "soft," "sweet," and "quiet." If I had grown up with three brothers, I'm sure I would be much more tough and probably more competitive than I am. Other than that, I'm not sure. That's not really something I can know without actually living it.

Do you wear socks with sandals? Do you want the ability to stop time? Are there any other random questions you'd like me to answer in a future post?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dear Santa...

I am a list-maker. To-do lists help me when I am stressed and overwhelmed. Shopping lists, of course, make sure I don't forget something really important at the store. If I try to pack for a long trip without a packing list, I go crazy and practically have a mental breakdown. So, yeah, I like lists. And now, with Christmas coming, it's time for a new list! These are not necessarily things I am expecting to get, just a few ideas for anybody who might be wondering what I'd like. :)

1. A nice black soft shell jacket. This really seems like a necessity for living in Oregon. It's warm, water-resistant, and looks nicer than a sweatshirt for times when you want to look a little more put-together.

2. Some cute scarves. I love scarves, but I literally only have two. They are a great way to make a simple outfit more interesting, plus they are warm! (Do you sense a theme here?)

3. Gift cards. Especially for Amazon (Kindle books!) and itunes, but really any gift cards will be used :)

4. Cash. Because nothing says "I love you" like a tall stack of Washingtons.

So there you have it! But remember, this list is not exhaustive. :) What's on your Christmas list this year?

Friday, November 25, 2011

Oh For Joy--A Music Review

Happy Belated Thanksgiving! I hope you laughed a lot and ate way too much pumpkin pie! :)

One of my favorite things about Thanksgiving is that it officially marks the beginning of the Christmas season. After the fourth Thursday in November, it is generally acceptable to play Christmas music and put up red and green decorations everywhere, and nobody can complain because it's after Thanksgiving.

As part of my planning for this glorious holiday, I went on itunes a couple days ago and filled my wish list with new Christmas music to buy after Thanksgiving. The only full album I bought was David Crowder Band's Oh For Joy.

First of all, if you are familiar with DCB's music, then you already know it's going to be great. If you're not, let me tell you a little bit about it! The album is short, sweet, and to the point (just like me! haha. short jokes.). Eight songs in total, and while none of them are original songs, the arrangements definitely bring something new to the table. "Angels We Have Heard On High" bursts out sounding like a hoedown, complete with fiddles and banjos (the band does hail from Texas). But if you're not a country music fan, don't let that turn you away. There is something for everyone here, all the way to "Carol of the Bells" performed on electric guitars.

All in all, this really is a great album. If you love Christmas music, go get it! Seriously. It's only $6.99 on itunes. How can you pass that up?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Little Inspiration For You

If you have not listened to the music of Gungor, you are really missing out. Really.

So for today, I want to share this video of one of their many amazing songs. It's a little on the longer side, but I really encourage you to listen to the whole thing if you have time.

P.S. If you ever get the chance to see them live, do it! I was fortunate enough to see them last month and they blew me away.


Sunday, November 6, 2011


This year, my school is undergoing a lot of changes after receiving a large grant. A brand new astroturf football field has been installed, and the baseball and softball fields are in process now. Portable buildings are being taken down, new classrooms and courtyards are being built... it's going to be a pretty snazzy place when it's done. I think it is great that our school is upping its game and making it a better place for students to learn. But it frustrates me when I still hear students and teachers complaining about the poor quality of the school's technology, or the lack of electives offered.

It can be easy to think that in order for students to be successful, the schools have to have the latest technology. However, that is not true.

All of these pictures were taken at schools that I saw during my trip to Honduras this past June. None of them had electricity--that means no computers, no Active Boards, and no lights. They had windows to let in light, and school only meets during the day, so why would they need electricity? None of these schools had turf fields either. A dirt field or an open clearing will do just as well. But, amazingly enough, the kids that we saw were still learning.

I hope that this post doesn't come across as overly cynical. I understand that technology can be a very useful tool in education. I just want people to realize that it is a privilege, not a right.

Friday, November 4, 2011

What's in your bag?

NiceGirlNotes is my favorite new blog. The author, Roo, is adorably hilarious. I'm sad I only just found this blog, but I found it at a good time! This week, NiceGirlNotes is hosting the What's In Your Bag linkup, a fun way to snoop without feeling guilty :)

And now, without further ado.... my bag!

I love my purse. My dad bought it for me in Cambodia when he was visiting Rapha House, an awesome charity that saves girls from the sex trade and helps them recover. The girls learn life skills, including sewing. They make these purses and sell them for an insanely cheap price. And, in addition to the cool back story, I think the bag itself is so cute and fun. Who doesn't love elephants? :)

I was surprised after emptying my bag how few things were in it. Normally I would have receipts and candy wrappers and spare change floating around in the bottom, but this was legitimately everything that was in it.

Here are all the items in a general left-to-right, top-to-bottom order (more or less):
1. Burt's Bee's Lip Balm (the "replenishing" kind.. nowhere near as good as the original)
2. Trident Original Gum (possibly my favorite gum!)
3. My keys
4. My wallet from Honduras (look at me being all cultured!)
5. A Red Cross flier about giving blood (i'm not by the way)
6. My ghetto phone
7. CD Case for what is currently playing in my car
8. My iPod
9. My Kindle, inside its pink case

Well, there you have it! Apparently, these are the things that are important enough for me to carry around all day. Or at least this day. If you liked this, look inside other people's bags or play along yourself! Here is the link: