Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bon Voyage

If you didn't know already, I'm going on a trip to Thailand and Cambodia in a week and four days (March 15-30). I've been getting excited with it coming up so soon, but it still seemed really far away for some reason. Today we had a meeting with everyone who is going (9 of us total) and it is finally starting to feel so real! I only have 8 days of school between now and then, and one more full weekend. Aaahhh! Like I said, I am way excited, but pretty anxious too. I would love it if you would remember to keep my group and I in your prayers, both as we prepare and when we leave, for safety, health, and that we would make a positive impact. It's going to be a crazy awesome adventure and I can't wait to see what God will do.

Oh and p.s. if you have any great tips for surviving across-the-world flights, let me know. That's the part of the trip I am least looking forward to.


  1. Hi, I really love some of the things you write about. Nice relief from all the fashion and beauty blogs floating around :).

    Definitely have things planned for you to do since you'll probably be waiting around a lot throughout your trip. Movies on your laptop, books/ mags to read, new songs/ podcasts on iPod, etc... That's what I do ;). So many options so the time flies by. Plus, I hate flying lol so it calms my nerves :).

    1. Thank you so much! I love getting feedback :) And thanks for your flying tips. I'm sure my iPod will be a godsend!
